Truly Sweet Living

Cherry Ville Grand Wisata​

The place where sweet living and indulgent blend in harmony

Living in Harmony

Cherry ville as a masterpiece of Grand Wisata Bekasi, who have a rich innovative concept with a bold vision in the Art of living where offers an exclusive golden moments at its finest.

This place is created to balance beauty with cosmopolitan minds.

  • Flood Free
  • CCTV Security System
  • 2 Carports
  • Fresh Air Surrounded
  • 2 Direct Toll Road Access

4 Reason to Buy Cherry Ville

Unit Type

Pilihan unit yang tersedia

Type Avium

Type Cerasus

Type Glenare


Hubungi Kami

Isi data dan pesan anda

Jangan ragu hubungi kami untuk mendapatkan:

  1. Penawaran harga terbaik untuk Rumah, Ruko, atau Kavling di Grand Wisata.
  2. Fasilitas KPR terbaik sesuai dengan kemampuan finansial anda.
  3. Bantuan sampai tuntas, bahkan setelah serah terima produk yang anda beli.

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